Despite a moderate drought with a 7 week period of no rain the garden has continued growing very slowly. Without the use of a very efficient drip irrigation system we would no doubt have lost many plants. We are fortunate to have only lost one tree which will be replaced during our fall planting.
CALLING ALL VOLUNTEERS— arriving on site the first week of October will be over two hundred trees and shrubs for our fall planting (photo below). If you would like to volunteer to help with planting please visit our volunteer page to see our work schedule and let us know when you would like to help. We expect to begin in late October and continue through November. Your help would be greatly appreciated.
Our electrical and water plans are being finalized and trenching will begin in a few weeks. The parking area and service road along the garden’s perimeter are still being pursued. A special thanks to Roger’s Group who has donated a large boulder which will be a main feature at the maze entrance.
We are grateful for all the donations that have been made toward the gardens development. To date we have planted over 1300 plants. If you would like to donate a tree from our plant list that will be tagged “donated by” or “in memory of” please visit our online tribute store soon while there are still offerings available. Also, please consider making a recurring, monthly donation to the garden, it’s quick and easy using the donate link on our website. It is only through your generous giving that we can continue to grow.